doesn’t see scripts: A Comprehensive Guide to Troubleshooting and Fixing the Issue
Image by Dimitria - doesn’t see scripts: A Comprehensive Guide to Troubleshooting and Fixing the Issue

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If you’re reading this article, chances are you’ve encountered the frustrating issue of `` not recognizing your scripts. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the common causes of this problem and provide step-by-step solutions to get your scripts working smoothly with ``.

What is and Why is it Important?

`` is a Python script that serves as the central configuration file for building, installing, and managing Python packages. It’s essential for creating distributable packages that can be easily installed using pip. A well-crafted `` file ensures that your package is correctly installed, and its dependencies are properly handled.

The Problem: doesn’t see scripts

So, what happens when `` doesn’t see your scripts? You might encounter errors like:

running install
error: package directory 'path/to/package' does not contain a file

Or, you might see that your scripts are not being installed or recognized during the installation process. This can be frustrating, especially when you’ve spent hours crafting your package.

Common Causes of the Issue

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s explore the common causes of this issue:

  • Incorrect package structure: A misconfigured package structure can lead to `` not recognizing your scripts.
  • Missing or incorrect `` files: These files are essential for Python to recognize your package and its contents.
  • Scripts not specified in ``: If your scripts are not explicitly mentioned in ``, they won’t be recognized during installation.
  • Path issues: Relative or absolute path mistakes can prevent `` from finding your scripts.
  • Permissions and access control: Insufficient permissions or access control issues can block `` from accessing your scripts.

Troubleshooting and Fixing the Issue

Now that we’ve covered the common causes, let’s walk through the troubleshooting and fixing process:

Step 1: Verify Your Package Structure

Double-check your package structure to ensure it’s correctly configured:


Make sure your package has an `` file, and your scripts are located within the package directory.

Step 2: Check for Missing or Incorrect Files

Ensure that your `` files are present and correctly formatted: (empty file)

If you have a nested package structure, create an `` file in each subdirectory.

Step 3: Specify Scripts in

In your `` file, explicitly mention your scripts using the `scripts` parameter:

from setuptools import setup


Replace `` with the actual path to your script file.

Step 4: Resolve Path Issues

Verify that your script paths are correct and relative to the `` file:

from setuptools import setup
import os

script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
script_path = os.path.join(script_dir, '')


Using the `os` module helps ensure that your paths are correctly generated.

Step 5: Check Permissions and Access Control

Ensure that the user running the installation has sufficient permissions to access your scripts:

chmod +x

Make sure the script has execute permissions (if required).

Advanced Troubleshooting Techniques

If the above steps don’t resolve the issue, try these advanced troubleshooting techniques:

Use the –verbose Flag

Run the installation with the `–verbose` flag to get more detailed output:

python install --verbose

This can help you identify the exact point of failure.

Check the Package Directory

Verify that the package directory is correctly set:

python install --prefix=/path/to/package

Specify the correct package directory using the `–prefix` flag.

Debugging with Pdb

Use the Python Debugger (pdb) to step through the `` execution:

python -m pdb install

This allows you to inspect variables and execution flow during the installation process.


Troubleshooting `` issues can be challenging, but with these steps, you should be able to identify and fix the problem. Remember to verify your package structure, check for missing or incorrect `` files, specify scripts in ``, resolve path issues, and ensure correct permissions and access control. If you’re still stuck, try the advanced troubleshooting techniques to get to the bottom of the issue.

Common Causes Solutions
Incorrect package structure Verify package structure, ensure correct files
Missing or incorrect files Create correct files, ensure presence in package directories
Scripts not specified in Specify scripts in using the scripts parameter
Path issues Verify script paths, use relative paths, and ensure correct package directory
Permissions and access control Ensure sufficient permissions, check execute permissions for scripts

By following these steps and understanding the common causes of the issue, you’ll be well on your way to creating robust and installable Python packages. Happy packaging!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “ doesn’t see scripts” in HTML format:

Frequently Asked Question

Getting stuck with not recognizing your scripts? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why doesn’t see my scripts in the same directory?

This is because doesn’t automatically include scripts from the same directory. You need to explicitly specify the scripts using the `scripts` parameter in the `setup()` function, like this: `setup(scripts=[‘’, ‘’])`.

How do I specify scripts from a subdirectory?

You can specify scripts from a subdirectory by using the `packages` parameter and providing the relative path to the subdirectory. For example, if you have a subdirectory called `bin` with scripts inside, you can use `setup(packages=[‘bin’], scripts=[‘bin/’, ‘bin/’])`.

Can I use glob patterns to include multiple scripts at once?

Yes, you can! Using the `glob` module, you can use glob patterns to include multiple scripts at once. For example, `setup(scripts=glob.glob(‘bin/*.py’))` would include all Python scripts in the `bin` subdirectory.

What if I have scripts with different extensions?

You can include scripts with different extensions by providing a list of patterns. For example, `setup(scripts=glob.glob([‘bin/*.py’, ‘bin/*.sh’, ‘bin/*.bat’]))` would include Python, shell, and batch scripts in the `bin` subdirectory.

Is there a way to automatically discover scripts without listing them manually?

Yes, you can use tools like `setuptools` or `distutils` to automatically discover scripts. For example, `setuptools` provides a `find_packages` function that can automatically discover packages and scripts. You can use it like this: `setup_packages=find_packages(include=[‘bin*’]), scripts=[os.path.join(‘bin’, f) for f in os.listdir(‘bin’) if f.endswith(‘.py’)])`.