Unraveling the Mystery: Why PyCharm Shows Files in Python Libraries When Only “Project Files” Are Selected
Image by Dimitria - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: Why PyCharm Shows Files in Python Libraries When Only “Project Files” Are Selected

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Are you tired of sifting through a sea of unnecessary files in PyCharm, only to find the ones you actually need? You’re not alone! Many developers have stumbled upon this puzzling phenomenon, where PyCharm insists on displaying files from Python libraries, even when you’ve specifically selected “Project files” in the navigation settings. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this behavior and provide you with a step-by-step guide to tame the beast and get your project files in order.

The Root of the Issue: A Quick Primer on PyCharm’s File Navigation

Before we dive into the solution, it’s essential to understand how PyCharm’s file navigation works. By default, PyCharm operates in a mode called “Navigation by Scope,” which means it takes into account the context of your project and its dependencies. This allows PyCharm to provide intelligent code completion, code inspections, and other features that make your coding experience more efficient.

What Are Scopes in PyCharm?

In PyCharm, a scope is a set of files and directories that are used to define the context of your project. Scopes can be thought of as filters that determine which files are relevant to your current task or problem. PyCharm provides several pre-defined scopes, including:

  • Project files: This scope includes all files and directories that are part of your project, excluding external libraries and dependencies.
  • Non-project files: This scope includes files that are not part of your project, such as system files, external libraries, and dependencies.
  • Libraries: This scope includes external libraries and dependencies that are used by your project.

When you select “Project files” in the navigation settings, PyCharm should, in theory, only display files that are part of your project. However, as we’ve seen, this isn’t always the case.

The Culprit: Python Library Inclusion in Project Files

So, why does PyCharm insist on showing files from Python libraries when you’ve explicitly selected “Project files”? The answer lies in how PyCharm handles Python libraries.

When you create a new Python project in PyCharm, it automatically includes the Python standard library and any installed packages in the project scope. This allows PyCharm to provide features like code completion, code inspections, and debugging for Python’s built-in modules and external libraries.

The issue arises when PyCharm’s automatic library inclusion collides with your selection of “Project files” in the navigation settings. Although you’ve specified that you only want to see project files, PyCharm still includes files from Python libraries in the navigation pane, making it seem like you’ve been duped.

Taming the Beast: How to Disable Library Files in Project Navigation

Now that we understand the root cause of the issue, let’s get to the good stuff – configuring PyCharm to behave as expected! Here are the steps to disable library files in project navigation:

  1. Open your PyCharm project and navigate to File > Settings (or Preferences on Mac).
  2. In the Settings window, navigate to Project: [Your Project Name] > Project Structure.
  3. In the Project Structure window, click on the "Modules" section.
  4. Select the module that corresponds to your Python project.
  5. In the module settings, uncheck the "Inherit library structure" checkbox.
  6. Click "Apply" and then "OK" to save your changes.

By unchecking the “Inherit library structure” checkbox, you’re telling PyCharm to ignore the library structure and only show files that are part of your project. This should fix the issue of PyCharm displaying files from Python libraries when you’ve selected “Project files” in the navigation settings.

Alternative Solution: Excluding Libraries from the Project Scope

If you still want to use the “Inherit library structure” feature, but exclude specific libraries from the project scope, you can do so by creating a custom scope.

  1. Open your PyCharm project and navigate to File > Settings (or Preferences on Mac).
  2. In the Settings window, navigate to Project: [Your Project Name] > Scopes.
  3. Click the "+" button to create a new scope.
  4. Name your scope (e.g., "My Project Files") and select "Project files" as the scope type.
  5. In the "Pattern" section, add the following pattern to exclude libraries: -python/lib/**.
  6. Click "Apply" and then "OK" to save your changes.

This custom scope will exclude files from the Python library directory (and its subdirectories) from the project scope. You can then select this scope in the navigation settings to see only the files that are part of your project.

Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations to help you fine-tune your PyCharm experience:

  • Use the "File mask" feature to exclude specific file types or patterns from the project scope.
  • Create multiple scopes for different parts of your project, and switch between them as needed.
  • Use the "Show files and directories" dropdown in the navigation pane to switch between different scope types (e.g., "Project files," "Non-project files," etc.).
Remember, the key to mastering PyCharm's file navigation is to understand how scopes work and how to customize them to fit your needs.


In this article, we’ve demystified the phenomenon of PyCharm showing files in Python libraries when only “Project files” are selected. By understanding how PyCharm’s file navigation works and configuring your project settings, you can regain control over your project files and focus on what matters most – writing awesome code!

Takeaway Description
Understand PyCharm’s file navigation Learn how PyCharm’s scopes work and how they affect file navigation.
Disable library files in project navigation Uncheck the “Inherit library structure” checkbox to exclude library files from the project scope.
Exclude libraries from the project scope Create a custom scope to exclude specific libraries from the project scope.
Customize your scopes Use file masks, multiple scopes, and other features to fine-tune your PyCharm experience.

With these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to taming the beast and making PyCharm work for you, not against you. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on PyCharm’s project files and libraries!

Why does PyCharm show files in Python libraries when I’ve only selected “Project files”?

PyCharm shows files in Python libraries because they’re part of the project’s dependencies. Even though you’ve selected “Project files,” PyCharm still indexes library files to provide features like code completion, debugging, and inspections. Think of it as PyCharm being extra thorough to help you out!

But I don’t want to see these library files! Can I hide them?

You can exclude library files from the project view by marking the directories as “Excluded” in the “Project Structure” settings. This will tell PyCharm to ignore those directories, and you won’t see them in the project view. Easy peasy!

How does PyCharm decide which library files to show?

PyCharm uses the project’s dependencies, as specified in the `requirements.txt` file or the project’s `setup.py`, to determine which library files to include. It also takes into account the project’s Python interpreter and its associated libraries. So, it’s all about following the clues to figure out what’s important for your project!

Can I customize the file types that PyCharm shows in the project view?

Yes, you can! PyCharm lets you customize the file types and scopes through the “Scopes” settings. You can create custom scopes to include or exclude specific file types, and even share them with your team. It’s like having your own personal file butler!

What if I’m still confused about PyCharm’s project files and libraries?

Don’t worry, PyCharm has got you covered! You can check out the official PyCharm documentation, which has tons of resources and tutorials to help you understand project files and libraries. You can also reach out to the PyCharm community or support team for personalized help. They’re like your own personal PyCharm superheroes!